The 944

A company back in 1984 produced computer graphics hardware containing the functionality of real time blending of multiple images. The hardware system was named the "944" and is described within the following excerpt of the Users Guide dated October 28, 1991. This system has been on active display at the Smithsonian Institution's National Aerospace Museum in Washington D.C. since the late 1980's. This graphical system also happens to share a kiosk exhibiting an Apple Computer.

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The 944 frame buffer owes much of its power to the Texas Instruments 
TMS34010 graphics processor.  For a more complete description of 
pixel masks, Pixel Processing OPerations (PPOPS) and transparency, 
see the "TI34010 User's Guide", available from:

	Texas Instruments Incorporated
	Data Book Marketing
	P.O. Box 117692
	Carrollton, TX 75011-7692

4.2.1  Pixel Byte Definitions

The 944 frame buffer is a 1024 by 1024 double buffered 24-bit RGB 
framebuffer, with an additional 8-bit background/foreground buffer 
(Beta) and an 8-bit control buffer (Alpha).

Figure 4-1 shows the components of each visible pixel.  The red, 
green and blue vbalues are selected from the current RGB buffer.

Figure 4-1 is a graphical depiction of the pixel breakdown which is 
as follows...

One Pixel (40 bits)
	Red (8 bits)
	Green (8 bits)
	Blue (8 bits)
	Alpha (8 bits)
		rgb_overide (1 bit)
		beta_sel (1 bit)
		red_lut_sel (2 bits)
		green_lut_sel (2 bits)
		blue_lut_sel (2 bits)

The bits of the Alpha byte of each pixel control the following 
actions(where red, green and blue are the values from the currently 
selected RGB buffer):

red_lut_select - Specifies one of four red lookup tabl3es (LUTS) to 
be used to adjust the red color value.

green_lut_select - Specifies one of four green lookup tables (LUTS) 
to be used to adjust the green color value.

blue_lut_select - Specifies one of four blue lookup tables (LUTS) to 
be used to adjust the blue color value.

beta_sel - When off (0), the red, green and blue values are used to 
determine the color of the pixel.  When beta_sel is on (1), the Beta 
value is used.

video_key_enable - When video_key_enable is on (1), RGB Keying and 
BETA Keying for that pixel will select live video for composite 
output.  Se the Video Keying discussion, section 4.2.4, for more 

4.2.2  Lookup Tables and the Beta Palette

When the RGB buffers are selected, the color of a pixel on the 
monitor is determined by using the red, green or blue value as an 
offset into the respective LUT.  If no color adjustments or 
manipulations are desired, the LUTs may remain linear (i.e., location 
0 contains 0, 1 contains 1, ...) and the monitor output will be the 
red, green and blue value.

When the Beta buffer is selected, the color of a pixel is selected 
from a table of 256 24-bit RGB values, with the Beta value acting as 
an offset of index into that table.

4.2.3  Color Keying

Color key comprisons are made before LUT or palette lookups occur and 
RGB_OVERRIDE active (1) disables all keying modes for that pixel.

Color based RGB and Beta buffer selection (keying) values are 
summarized in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1.  RGB and Beta Buffer Keying

   NAME                  FUNCTION
RGBKEY          RGB keying on(1) or off(0)
BETAKEY         Beta keying on(1) or off(0)
KEY_RED         red value for RGB keying
KEY_GREEN       green value for RGB keying
KEY_BLUE        blue value for RGB keying
KEY_BETA        value for BETA keying

When RGB keying and the RGB buffers are selected (RGBKEY = 1, 
BETA_SEL = 0), and the KEY - RED, KEY - GREEN, and KEY - BLUE values 
match the red, green and blue values from the RGB buffer, the Beta 
buffer value is used to determine the color of that pixel.

To make the Beta buffer a background buffer, use RGB keying; i.e., 
set the KEY color equal to the RGB background color.

When Beta keying and the Beta buffer are selected (BETAKEY and 
BETA-SEL = 1), and the KEY-BETA value matches the value in the Beta 
buffer, the RGB buffered to determine the color of that pixel.

To make the Beta buffer a foreground buffer, set the BETA-SEL bit of 
all pixels to 1 and load KEY-BETA with a value that is the "clear" 
color.  This will allow RGB to be seen through the foreground, since 
Beta will be used for all pixels except where RGB appears.

Nothe that the Beta buffer can slso be used a s foreground buffer by 
using BETA-SEL.  This method is less efficient if the foreground is 
dynamic, since both the Alpha and Beta values for each pixel must be 

4.2.4  Video Keying

When the VIDEO_KEY_ENABLE bit in the ALPHA buffer is set to 1, the 
keying function for that specific pixel are modified.  Instead of RGB 
keying selecting the BETA buffer and BETA keying selecting the RGB 
buffer, both types of keying select the live video input supplied to 
the 'video in' connector of the TFB framebuffer.  The video keying 
only effects the composite video output; therefore, it can only be 
used in NTSC or PAL video modes.  the RGB outputs are unaffected by 
video keying.

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